Actionable  Affordable   Impactful   Solutions

For DEI Practitioners Seeking Results

Diversiology partners with DEI practitioners to optimize time and maximize impact through scalable systems powered by content, coaching, and community—helping them operationalize and scale their inclusive strategies to foster high-performing cultures.


Enhanced Practitioner Impact


Improved Employee Engagement


More High Performing Work Cultures

10 Practitioners challenges to Build Inclusive, High-Performing Cultures

68% of DEI Practitioners Lack the Resources Needed to Drive Change, Impact and Results

Most DEI practitioners lack the tools, time, budget, or support to contribute impactfully to high-performing, engaged, and inclusive teams.

Are you looking to enhance the business impact and human impact of your DEI efforts? If so, you might find yourself wanting to:

Are you striving to create a truly inclusive environment that supports and values all individuals? If so, you might find yourself:
If any of these challenges resonate with you, know that you’re not alone. There are ways to overcome these obstacles and achieve meaningful DEI results, and we can support you. Let us help you make a real impact.

I'm Diversiology Founder Rocki Howard, and I Can Help You Build an Inclusive, Engaged, and High-Performing Work Culture

Having been in this industry for over 30 years, I know first-hand how frustrating it can be to face obstacles like limited resources, insufficient time, and competing priorities while trying to drive meaningful DEI initiatives. It’s disheartening to feel unprepared, ill-equipped, and isolated when all you want is to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

With my experience of helping over 400 clients in my past roles, and by leading a thriving community of over 300 DEI practitioners at Diversiology, I have the expertise and tools to help you overcome these challenges.

Diversiology is your DEI Operating system.

We’ve developed five powerful operating systems to act as your digital DEI program manager, providing the guidance, tools, and community support you need to deepen your expertise, optimize your time, and maximize your budget. Our systems are designed to help you accelerate progress and achieve measurable results—affordably and efficiently.

Explore OS

Kickstart your DEI journey with free foundational resources, expert insights, and a supportive community to help you overcome resource limitations and set a clear direction.

Operate OS

Unlock your organization’s DEI potential with our Inclusivity Aptitude Assessment, delivering in-depth analysis and personalized strategies to drive meaningful progress.

Evolve OS

Unlock your organization’s DEI potential with our Inclusivity Aptitude Assessment, delivering in-depth analysis and personalized strategies to drive meaningful progress.

Advance OS

Stay ahead with exclusive access to expert guidance, personalized coaching cohorts, and weekly action plans that focus on achieving specific DEI outcomes.

Speaker OS

Inspire and educate your team with dynamic DEI speakers for keynotes, workshops, and events that foster engagement and drive lasting cultural change.
Let our operating systems help you overcome challenges, accelerate your DEI efforts, and create a thriving, inclusive culture.

Diversiology is your DEI Operating system.

Think of us as your digital DEI Program Manager, we help you make measurable progress and create lasting, positive change in your organization by providing:

Curated Actionable Content

Improve you DEI impact with our comprehensive resources—assessments, diversity calendars, operational templates, and so much more, all crafted to help you create lasting impact.

Expert Coaching

Develop your inclusion skills through transformative group coaching cohorts, allowing you to get unstuck and drive actions and outcomes.

Supportive Community

Connect with a vibrant community of DEI practitioners—where sharing insights, building relationships, and driving progress come together to amplify your impact.

Diversiology is your DEI Operating system.

Think of us as your digital DEI Program Manager, we help you make measurable progress and create lasting, positive change in your organization by providing:

Curated Actionable Content

Improve you DEI impact with our comprehensive resources—assessments, diversity calendars, operational templates, and so much more, all crafted to help you create lasting impact.

Expert Coaching

Develop your inclusion skills through transformative group coaching cohorts, allowing you to get unstuck and drive actions and outcomes.

Supportive Community

Connect with a vibrant community of DEI practitioners—where sharing insights, building relationships, and driving progress come together to amplify your impact.

Did You Know?

DEI is a Smart Investment

Investing in DEI initiatives can actually save your organization money in the long run? Here’s how:

Long-term Savings

Companies with strong DEI programs see reduced turnover rates, leading to lower recruitment and training costs. Employees who feel their company supports diversity and inclusion report up to 83% higher innovation.


Increased Productivity

An inclusive and engaged workforce is more productive and efficient. Companies with diverse workforces can perform up to 35% better financially.

McKinsey and Company

Higher Customer Conversion

Half of customers make purchasing decisions that are influenced by an organization’s support of equality (Deloitte).

Positive ROI

Companies with higher diversity in management earned 38% more of their revenues, on average, from innovative products and services compared to companies with lower diversity.

Harvard Business

Founder Achievements

Years of Experience
0 +
in Diversity, Talent Acquisition, and Organizational Strategy
DEI Practitioners
0 +
in the Diversiology community, benefiting from expert coaching and content
0 +
for diversity leadership and industry impact
Speaking Engagements
0 +
at prestigious conferences and events worldwide
Clients Served
0 +
in previous roles, driving DEI initiatives across industries
SIA Diversity Influencer
0 X
(2022, 2023) and one of SIA’s Global Power 150 Women in Staffing
Featured Thought Leader
HR Executive, ERE, and Forbes HR Council contributor
National Media Presence
Appearances on ABC News, podcasts, and prestigious industry events like HR Tech and TA Week

The Benefits of Working with Diversiology

Maximize Your Budget

Our digital program management content functions as a practitioner’s operating system, including assessments, content, templates, and ready-to-use frameworks. Diversiology will help you create targeted DEI initiatives, maximize limited resources, and focus on high-impact activities for measurable progress and sustainable impact—all within your budget.

Elevate Your Skills and Impact

In our outcomes-based practitioner masterclasses, you’ll collaborate with industry experts to create practical tools like a comprehensive diversity strategy. You’ll not only master advanced DEI concepts but also leave each cohort with concrete, actionable outcomes that directly elevate your initiatives.

Strengthen Strategies Through Collaboration

By connecting with our community of over 300 DEI practitioners, you’ll exchange insights and support each other, gaining collective wisdom and mutual encouragement. With this support, you’ll refine your DEI strategies through shared experiences and best practices, fostering continuous improvement and innovation.

Are you a Practitioner who is looking to overcome challenges

Are you looking to enhance the business impact and human impact of your DEI efforts? If so, you might find yourself wanting to:

Optimize Your DEI Operations

At Diversiology, we offer affordable DEI solutions designed to fit various budget sizes, ensuring that everyone can benefit from effective DEI strategies. Investing in DEI isn’t just a cost—it’s a strategic move that brings substantial returns. And we can help you make it happen.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Book a 30-minute consultation to discuss your current DEI infrastructure and concerns, helping us gain a clear understanding of your needs.

Participate in a Needs Analysis

We'll perform a high level analysis using our REFLECT framework to identify resource gaps and opportunities, providing you with a tailored roadmap for improvement.

Receive Your Personalized Plan

Based on our findings, we'll provide you with a customized plan that you can use to drive DEI success, with or without Diversiology's ongoing support.

Who We’re Here For

At Diversiology, we’re dedicated to supporting DEI practitioners and organizations committed to fostering inclusive, engaged and high-performing work cultures. Here’s who we do our best work with:
We believe in making DEI accessible and impactful for everyone, regardless of your organization’s size or budget. If you see yourself in this list, we’re here to help you achieve your DEI goals.

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